Tulsa Bail Bond Blog – Questions & Answers
Looking for answers to your Tulsa County bail bonds questions? Every month we post new articles as they relate to Tulsa County bail bonds with information to commonly asked questions. We strive to keep you well informed on court system operations and things that will help you through a case. If you are looking for more answers please call our office. Signature Bail Bonds is the number one Tulsa County Bail Bonds company. Providing you with affordable bail bonds payment options so you can get the service you need today.
Do I Get My Bail Money Back?
Learn how bail refunds work in Tulsa, when you get your money back, and how Signature Bail Bonds guides you through the process.
What Do I Do After Being Bonded Out In Tulsa
Understanding Your Responsibilities After Bail What Do I Do After Being Bonded Out In Tulsa? Getting bonded out of jail is a relief, but at...
How Much Is My Bond In Tulsa | Can It Be Lowered
Learn how much your Tulsa bail bond costs and explore legal options to lower it with Signature Bail Bonds’ expert help.
Essential Bail Bond Terms
Navigate the bail process confidently with our guide to Essential Bail Bond Terms. Understand your options and make informed decisions.
Don’t be a Vanishing Vince… Go to Court!
What is a Bond Forfeiture? A bond forfeiture happens when a defendant fails to appear in court as required. This is a serious situation where the...
Jail to Joy: Jacob’s Journey Home
Jail Sucks! Jail is a tough place where people experience strict rules, lack of freedom, and challenging conditions. For someone used to a normal...
Frequent Bail Bond Questions
1. What is a bail bond? A bail bond is a contractual agreement between a defendant, a bail bondsman (or bail agent), and the court. It is used to...
Signature Bail Bonds’ New Location
Tulsa Bail Bonds From Our New Broken Arrow Home! Exciting news! Signature Bail Bonds has officially relocated to Broken Arrow and we couldn’t be...
What Factors Do Judges Consider When Setting a Bond?
When a judge sets bond for an inmate in Oklahoma, they consider several factors to determine the appropriate amount and conditions for release....
A Real Life Example of a Truly Helpful Bail Bond Service
When a mother, Maria, received the shocking call that her son had been arrested for a DUI, she was overwhelmed and unsure where to start. The bail...
How to Search Tulsa Court Records
Tulsa Court Records on OSCN.NET OSCN.NET is a simple way to search Tulsa court records. Most Oklahoma courts are very good at keeping court records...
What is a Tulsa Warrant Surrender?
What's a Tulsa warrant surrender? If you have a warrant in Tulsa, OK, a court clerk or sheriff's office staff member may tell you, "You need to do a...
What If I Miss Court?
Missing court is never a "good thing". A judge doesn't request or suggest that you're present. Judges INSIST that you show up for all your court...
When Will Someone Be Released if They Don’t Post Bail?
Bail serves as a guarantee that a person arrested for a crime appears in court. Bail is granted for two reasons. One, it is generally...
How Are Bond Amounts Set
How are bond amounts set? Good question! Being arrested is always a stressful and frightening time. In addition to spending time behind bars, it can...
Can I Leave the State While on Bond?
Your out of jail. But what's next? Can you get back to work? Maybe you have a move scheduled. Your employer has work for you out of state. Can you...
Making Tribal Bonds in Tulsa
Currently, making an appearance bond with the tribal court presents a few challenges. Typically, bail bond paperwork is completed entirely by the...
Bail Bond Payment Plans in Tulsa
No one plans on getting arrested or having their loved one arrested. Sometimes, bail bond payments plans can help. Let us pay your bail giving you...
3 Things to Ask Your Tulsa Bondsman
There is nothing more confusing than that critical moment when a family member or a friend is in jail. They will immediately need bail. In the panic...
Clearing City of Tulsa Warrants
Our company wants to help everyone. We help defendants get out jail, stay out of jail and clear all types of warrants. Our staff can also answer...
Skip Bail – Go To Jail
Bail bondsmen can prevent a bad situation from becoming worse. They may make it possible for a person to avoid spending time in jail. People who use them find their fees reasonable and are glad they were available. Contact Signature Bail Bonds of Tulsa today and learn how they can help.
Do I Have to Put Up My House or Property To Make Bail?
For most people, cash bonds are out of reach as a way to get out of jail fast when arrested in the Tulsa Area. Instead, many choose between a surety...
How Long Will Someone Be in Jail?
Sometimes, the question comes up as to how long will someone be in jail if they do not pay bail. And while the answer to that question varies...
Clearing Oklahoma Child Support Warrants
At times a parent can get behind on their financial obligations to the other parent throughout a divorce, sole or joint custody case. If you are far...