Tulsa Bail Bond Blog – Questions & Answers
Looking for answers to your Tulsa County bail bonds questions? Every month we post new articles as they relate to Tulsa County bail bonds with information to commonly asked questions. We strive to keep you well informed on court system operations and things that will help you through a case. If you are looking for more answers please call our office. Signature Bail Bonds is the number one Tulsa County Bail Bonds company. Providing you with affordable bail bonds payment options so you can get the service you need today.
Tulsa Cash Only Bonds
Execution Only (Tulsa Cash Only Bonds) Often times, people arrested in Tulsa will have cash only bonds. Cash only and execution only bonds are the...
More About Cosigners
Responsibilities When Cosigning on a Bail Bond. During the course of a person's normal daily routine, they could get a call from a close friend or...
When to Hire an Attorney
If you ever find yourself asking the question “do I need an attorney?” the answer is yes. As you probably already know, the reasons for hiring an attorney are numerous. Here are often some VERY IMPORTANT LEGAL MATTERS to think about.
Tulsa County Warrant Checks
Tulsa County Warrant Checks When you have a warrant issued for your arrest, you may be worried about what to do and what it means. It can be very...
Tulsa Bail Bond Costs
Tulsa Bail Bond Costs One of the very first questions we get asked as bail bondsmen is, "how much is it going to cost to get someone out?" Finding...
How Can I Get A Public Defender?
How Can I Get A Public Defender? A public defender is a lawyer that the court assigns to your case when you are in jail. You may hire your own...
Hiring An Out Of Town Attorney
Hiring An Out Of Town Attorney This is actually a question that we get asked a lot. Is hiring an out of town attorney a good idea? Some people...
Tulsa Coronavirus and Court
Tulsa Coronavirus and Court It's no secret that COVID-19 has affected the way things in the legal system are being handled. This doesn't mean that...
Book In Book Out
Book In Book Out So you get a phone call from a nosy relative or friend who decided to run your name through oscn.net and saw that you had a...
Simple Online Bail Processing
Simple Online Bail Processing Has someone you care for been arrested? If so, you may feel overwhelmed not knowing what to do to get your friend or...
What Not To Do When Being Arrested
What Not To Do When Being Arrested Being arrested is a scary experience but there are behaviors that make this bad experience even worse. Do Not...
Reasons the Judge May Deny Bail
After an arrest, bail is a constitutional right. However, with just cause, a judge has the authority to deny bail entirely. If the accused is a...
Top Tulsa Bail Bonds
When you need to bail a loved one out of jail, you want to call a top Tulsa bail bonds company. Certain qualities make for better bondsmen. In the...
Simple Payment Plans
Why Do We Offer Simple Payment Plans? There are many reasons a bail bonding company offers simple financing. To begin, bail is not often cheap....
Can I Revoke a Bail Bond?
I've Bonded Someone Out. Can I Revoke the Bond? You bonded out a friend or family member but now you have serious doubts. Perhaps you have doubts...
More About Tulsa Municipal Bail Bonds
Is your loved one is in a Tulsa city jail and in need of municipal bail bonds?What Are Municipal Bail Bonds?Municipal bail bonds are bail bonds that...
Oklahoma Bail Premium
How Do Bail Bondsmen Get Paid? Following an arrest for a crime, bail may be set. Bail is a monetary amount that serves as insurance that...
No Interest Bail Bond Financing
Signature Bail Bonds of Tulsa: No Interest Bail Bond Financing Bail bond financing in Tulsa can relieve the burdens that come with an...
Tulsa DUI Checkpoints
If you want to stay on the right side of the law, learn how a Tulsa DUI impacts your life. A DUI arrest results in many problems nobody wants to...
Inmate Rights After An Arrest
What are my rights after being arrested? The Miranda Warning is almost universally known. Miranda was a rapist who was arrested in 1963 and then...
How To Choose A Criminal Defense Attorney
Choosing a Criminal Defense Attorney If you have been charged with a crime and would like to protect yourself, it's important you take the right...
Pretrial Release and Personal Recognizance Bonds
How to Get a Personal Recognizance Bond How to get a personal recognizance bond or OR bond is one of the first questions asked when someone is...
Out of State Bail Bonds
Family Member Arrested Out of State?Finding out that a loved one has been arrested is never a good thing, but the situation can be very heightened...
How Do You Locate Where Someone Is In Jail?
How do you locate where someone is in jail? The United States incarcerates more of it's population per capita than any other nation on earth. At...